Job Description
This is a new post in which the post-holder will work within agreed pathways of care to provide a digital patient follow-up system for specific groups of patients who have been diagnosed and treated for Prostate Cancer. The post-holder will work closely with the consultants and Clinical Nurse Specialists and act as a point of contact for those patients who have been prepared by their clinical team for self-managing follow-up. You will arrange specialist review appointments for patients where required. The post holder will be competent in the use of information technology and will use the e-Health systems such as TrakCare and Clinical Portal on a daily basis, joining meetings with e-Health colleagues to provide feedback on any system issues. Patients will be contacted using digital platforms such as SMS messaging, automated voice message, email or via an app designed for this purpose. Patients may contact the service and you will direct them to the correct person or service to provide the support they require. You will work with other care providers to ensure support for patients and order supplies and equipment related to the service on behalf of the budget holder. You will help to prepare an annual report to demonstrate the effectiveness of the digital system ensuring the service provision can be evaluated for future developments or review.
Informal Contact: Maria Boothroyd, Lead Nurse, Tel No: 0141 211 8406
Details on how to contact the Recruitment Service can be found within the Candidate Information Packsa
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde encourages applications from all sections of the community. We promote a culture of inclusion across the organisation and are proud of the diverse workforce we have.
By signing the Armed Forces Covenant, NHSGGC has pledged its commitment to being a Forces Friendly Employer. We support applications from across the Armed Forces Community, recognising military skills, experience and qualifications during the recruitment and selection process.
For application portal/log-in issues, please contact Jobtrain support hub in the first instance.
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