Lead the Glagsow-based LVP Mentor Team (team of four LVP Mentors) ensuring systems are in place to meet propriety, regularity, requirement scrutiny/audit across the LVP process. Provide advice on all escalated LVP cases and ensure provision of a robust support network to the LVP Managers, their deputies, and stakeholders. Periodically undertake assurance and monitoring visits to sites (or remotely) with LVP Mentors to ensure compliance with departmental policies.
Be the day to day lead of the departments relationship with our ePC service provider. This will include but is not limited to: Leading weekly meetings, reviewing supplier performance (including quarterly reviews held with the Contract management team) continuous improvement activity, supporting the roll out of new bank systems and processes, resolving card/account issues across the physical card programme.
Lead regular ePC engagement sessions with all TLBs and Front Line Commands. This will include preparing slide packs and reviewing spend data/trends in support of discussions. Attendees will include Corporate Governance Leads as well as Commercial/Non-contract performance representatives.
Represent the LVP Assistant Head (when required) at MOD LVP meetings/conferences/working groups to ensure assurance policies are relevant and fit for purpose for implementation.
Input requirements, as necessary, to ensure that data capture systems (operated on a day to day basis by the Mentor Hub Team) so it meets the Management Information purposes
Review and consolidate the assurance levels and outstanding management actions from the reviews undertaken by the LVP Mentors, to provide the required assurance to Head Office of LVP compliance levels across the MOD.
Maintain and overview of the LVP visit programme and report to LVP Assistant Head as required. This will include conducting trend analysis against reasons for low assurance ratings and putting plans in place to address these both at an account level and across the department (if wider LVP knowledge/skills gaps identified). In addition, it will include making recommendations on how the team can enhance its visit programme and provide more effective assurances to the Def Comrcl 2* on how the department is controlling the use of ePC as a procurement mechanism.
Provide data analysis work as required to better understand LVP spend/trends and the development of strategic LVP plans, to affect a more cost efficient means of delivering the requirement (e.g. Enabling Contracts, Service Contracts, Multi-Activity Contracts, Standardised Contracting Template etc), liaising with the non-contract procurement team as necessary. This will also include working closely with MOD Category Management teams as well as supporting the departments tail spend initiative.
Provide Commercial approval for ePC transactions escalated by LVP Mentors, liaising with the ePC Management Team. This may also include facilitating urgent capability requirements at short notice in support of operations.
Provide guidance and assistance on ePC and paper-based LVP to LVP Mentors and LVP stakeholders where appropriate, including advice on the best routes to market such as existing contracts and frameworks, developing and issuing helpful enabling guidance and instruction of LVP notices as necessary.
Act as secondary contact (to LVP Mentors) for bank matters such as changes to bank processes/forms and acting as a ‘super user’ for approval of urgent changes to card/account limits. This includes supporting critical operations with ePC being the primary procurement route supporting front line operations.
Maintenance and development of the Policy (JSP 332) liaising with senior management and policy branches to ensure clear/up to date advice is available to the LVP and the wider business community. This will also include reviewing existing LVP ways of working and making recommendations to the LVP team leader on where changes are required to ensure LVP policy is relevant and fit for purpose in line with wider department objectives.
Liaise with Functional and Head Office Corporate Governance Teams to ensure consistency of approach and a common understanding of LVP policy and business challenges which we may be able to support.