Hazelbury Primary School
Connect Education Trust
Class Teacher
Actual Salary Range: Main and Upper Pay Scale
Contract Term: Permanent
Job Start:1st September 2023
Hazelbury Primary School is looking for an enthusiastic, inspirational teacher to become part of our team. We are a forward- thinking school with a wealth of facilities to inspire teaching and learning and have a passionate dedicated staff. Every child has a Chromebook which enhances learning throughout the day.
Our curriculum is innovative and we embed a Rights Respecting ethos across the school that embodies our school values and invites children to be great citizens of the future. Children’s learning and experiences are enhanced through our two school libraries, performing arts studio, music zone, creative hub and DT workshop. Our early years caters from two years of age and features new extensive outdoor facilities which develop every area of learning for all age groups including Reception.
Our own on-site sports coaches provide our children with quality sport provision and fantastic extra-curricular opportunities, alongside the children’s access to outdoor gyms for recreational use. With a farm, edible playground, pond and orchard on site, we are able to provide the children with exceptional learning outside of the classroom. We also have our very own minibuses, which all staff have the opportunity to be trained to drive.
The wellbeing of our staff is of paramount importance and we promote a healthy work-life balance. We consider the impact of workload in all decisions that we make and with an embedded ‘no marking’ feedback policy, as well as a streamlined approach to planning and paperwork, teachers are able to concentrate on providing quality teaching in the classroom.
This is promoted by all teachers having a Macbook to enable them to work effectively. We provide staff with wellbeing days, an attendance reward scheme, have a staff gym and Daycare on site and give all employees access to a support hub to support their mental wellbeing.
As part of the Connect Education Trust we are strongly committed to providing high quality professional development and career progression for all staff. We are constantly reviewing our practices to ensure that our staff can focus on what matters: providing a rich environment in which children can learn and thrive. We are able to offer significant opportunities to work in collaboration with colleagues at Hazelbury, the Trust and the wider educational sector. At Hazelbury, staff are able to be involved with developments within the curriculum in areas that interest them. We encourage expertise and staff that supports one another to develop their own practice and to create remarkable futures for all pupils.
With easy access into central London, our school is ideal for candidates wanting to live in either inner or outer London. In line with recent legislation, applicants must have a command of spoken English that is sufficient to effectively carry out duties of the role.
Please visit our website to learn more about Hazelbury: www.hazelbury-primary-school.co.uk
For an application pack or any further information please email [email protected]
Apply by: Wednesday 26th April 2023
Interviews: Week commencing 1st May 2023
All Connect Education Trust is committed to safeguarding, therefore all employees working within the Trust must have the ability to work in a way that promotes the safety and wellbeing of our children and young people. All candidates are required to complete the school’s ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ declaration and will be asked to apply for an Enhanced Check from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). For posts in regulated activity, this will include a barred list check.
The Trust also requires consent from applicants to carry out online searches of publicly available information, including social media, prior to interview. The Trust and its schools are committed to ensuring that no applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment or is disadvantaged on the grounds of gender, age, disability, religion, belief, sexual orientation, marital status or race, and we welcome applications from all sections of society.