How to apply for this post
You can apply on-line by visiting our website at
We are looking for you to complete a statement of competence looking at the essential and desirable requirements of this role. Guidance on completing the application can be found in the ‘Guidance notes for applicants’ document, also available at the above website, which we recommend that you read, in conjunction with this Job Description.
Your application must arrive by the advertised closing date. Please note that when applying online, we will only be able to see your application once you fully submit it.
Please contact us if you need the job description, person specification and / or application form in an alternative format or if you require any other adjustments because of a disability. HES is committed to making reasonable adjustments and is happy to answer any questions you may have about the recruitment process in order that you can identify any adjustments that may be required.
If you are unable to complete an online application form, please email [email protected], quoting the job title and recruitment reference, and we will arrange for an application form to be sent to you.
Please note that, as we operate an electronic recruitment system, we will contact you via the email address that you provide in your application to inform you of the outcome of your application.
For further information about the post, please contact James Hamilton, Senior Ranger, 0131 652 8150 or via email at [email protected].
We welcome all applicants from under-represented groups within HES. We know from our equality monitoring that we need to increase our diversity in terms of ethnicity and disability. We also want to address occupational areas where the ratio is disproportionately in favour of women or men. We ask all applicants to complete the Equality Monitoring section of the recruitment paperwork to help us pursue a diverse and inclusive workforce. In support of our Gaelic language plan we welcome applications from Gaelic speakers.
HES is committed to not only avoiding unlawful discrimination against people with protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010, but also to positively promoting equality and doing more than equality law requires.
Feedback will only be provided if you attend an interview or assessment.