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Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Logo

Junior Clinical Fellow - Urology

Id Job: 316e304

🏠 On-site
💼 Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
📍 London, England
1 day ago
💰 33790 – 53132 GBP ANNUAL

Job Description

We are looking for a dedicated and enthusiastic doctor to join our Urology Department at our Chelsea and Westminster Hospital site.

The post could be offered with and interest in teaching and education, clinical governance and risk management or research to fulfil the training needs of the candidate.

In addition to the clinical care of patients on the wards, the successful candidate will be expected to help the Specialist Registrars in the administration of the day to day running of the firms and to supervise, help and instruct the pre-registration house officers wherever possible as well as being involved in the OP clinics.

We are looking for a dedicated and enthusiastic doctor to join our Urology Department at our Chelsea and Westminster Hospital site.

The post could be offered with and interest in teaching and education, clinical governance and risk management or research to fulfil the training needs of the candidate.

In addition to the clinical care of patients on the wards, the successful candidate will be expected to help the Specialist Registrars in the administration of the day to day running of the firms and to supervise, help and instruct the pre-registration house officers wherever possible as well as being involved in the OP clinics.

We provide services from two main hospitals, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital and West Middlesex University Hospital, and a number of clinics across London and the South-East. We have over 6,000 members of staff that arePROUD to Carefor nearly one million people. Both hospitals provide full clinical services, including full maternity, emergency and children’s, in addition to a range of community-based services across London, such as award-winning sexual health and HIV clinics.

We’re one of the best preforming Trusts in the country. We’re also one of the top trusts to work for – our staff say they’re engaged, motivated, and would recommend us as a place to work and receive treatment.

Our Trust has been rated by the Care Quality Commission as ‘Good’ in all five of the main domains of safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led, giving an us overall rating of ‘Good’. We’ve also been awarded an ‘Outstanding’ rating for ‘use of resources’ by an NHS Improvement inspection.

Our facilities are some of the best in the country. We have been investing around £10 million a year in our estate. We are currently spending £25 million on expanding our adult and neonatal critical care facilities at Chelsea and Westminster and redevelopment of our children’s unit at West Middlesex – in partnership with our charity, CW+ and generous donors.

The successful candidate will be expected to help the Specialist Registrars in the administration of the day to day running of the firms and to supervise, help and instruct the pre-registration house officers wherever possible. Involvement in the OP clinics may be required.

The successful post holder will be expected to assist and manage the in patients as well as taking referrals from ED and other departments.

The candidate will also be expected to be part of the on call rota for General Surgery, Colorectal and Urology.

The senior staffs undertake teaching of the Senior House Officers. Senior House Officers would be expected to teach medical students and contribute towards various teaching programmes on the unit.

Several clinical research projects are in progress and ample opportunities exist for presentation and publication of case reports to the learned societies.

JCFs will be encouraged to carry out audit projects with the support of audit department, and must attend the regular department audit sessions.

Offices and secretarial services are available.

Study leave and Training:
This post is not recognised by the London Deanery as a training post but facilities for study leave exist. There is a good recently expanded Medical Library situated in the Postgraduate Centre and Department Library facilities are also available.

A wide variety of postgraduate medical education courses and lectures are available locally including:

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