Plant-Soil Interactions Research Associate
Id Job: 316a794
Id Job: 316a794
Applications are invited for an EU-funded technical position, full time for 12 months or on a half-time basis, within the TUdi (Transforming Unsustainable management of soils in key agricultural systems in EU and China. Developing an integrated platform of alternatives to reverse soil degradation) project. The work at Lancaster aims to determine whether different cover crop (root) traits affect both soil chemical, physical and biological properties. Work will involve laboratory soil and root analyses and some field sampling.
The TUdi project is part of a large international consortium funded through the EU’s H2020 programme (TUdi: www.tudi-project.org), and led by Dr Jose Gomez of CSIC-Cordoba, Spain. The successful applicant will join collaborative research at Lancaster Environment Centre, led by Professors Nick Ostle, John Quinton and Ian Dodd and work with Lancaster colleagues Dr Csilla Hudek and Cristina McBride-Serrano. More details at https:// www.tudi-project.org
The position is available to scientists with a background in plant and soil sciences or related disciplines, with relevant laboratory and field experience and ideally some experience of root trait analysis.
The position is effective from the 1st March 2023. Informal enquiries to Professor Nick Ostle (n.ostle@lancaster.ac.uk), Professor John Quinton (j.quinton@lancaster.ac.uk) or Professor Ian Dodd (email: i.dodd@lancaster.ac.uk)