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Holyhead Town Council Logo

Tourism and Grants Officer

Id Job: 316a344

🏠 On-site
💼 Holyhead Town Council
📍 Holyhead, Wales
2 days ago
💰 27854 GBP ANNUAL

Job Description


Holyhead Town Council

Job Description

Job Title: Tourism and Grants Officer

Grade: 19 £27,854 LC2

37 hours per week – To include some late working hours and weekends.

Normal Work Location: Various locations, including Town Hall, Market Hall, Ferry terminal and some working from home.

3-month’s minimum contract working towards 24 months.

Line Manager - The Town Clerk

Laptop provided.

Overall, Job Purpose:


To coordinate the development and delivery of an onshore welcome for cruise ship visitors to Holyhead; together with supporting the development of events to enable Anglesey to fully capitalise upon its increasing popularity as a destination.

Holyhead is the premier Welsh cruise liner destination. Over the past few years, Holyhead Port has been ideally placed to capitalise upon the growth of the Irish Sea as an all weather all tide cruise destination and the increasing demand for new cruise opportunities.

Events are an integral part of the ‘Destination appeal’ and they represent a significant opportunity for our residents and to target and attract additional visitors and associated expenditure to Anglesey.


To work alongside various bodies with an overall objective to secure funding for the commercial and non-commercial aspect of Holyhead Town Councils day to day business.

To work alongside various officers to source funding for town centre regeneration.

The successful candidate will work in conjunction with various stake holders to improve the town centre’s vibrancy, aesthetics and commercially.

Principle Accountabilities / Key Tasks:

Cruise Ship Welcome:

1. Develop and co-ordinate onshore welcome activities for the cruise ship visiting the Port of Holyhead.

2. Prepare and implement (in conjunction with relevant stakeholders) a detailed delivery plan for each cruise ship’s visit outlining ‘welcome’ activities, timings, locations, and roles/responsibilities.

3. Ensure the provision of a friendly, professional, and consistent welcome in Holyhead and Holyhead’s cruise terminal for each cruise ship arrival.

4. Effectively manage the ‘Cruise Ship Welcome’ budget in line with Town Council protocols and passengers’ expectations.

5. Provide a dock side presence to promote local activities for those passengers not already taking a pre booked cruise excursion.

6. Prepare risk assessments and ensure the health and safety for all welcome activities in Holyhead (where and when applicable) is undertaken.

7. Promote and raise awareness of cruise ship visits and welcome activities through the use of social media and other marketing means.

Event Support:

1. Collaborate with interested parties to support existing and develop new events in Holyhead.

2. Effectively manage the ‘Tourism Event Support’ budget in line with Holyhead Town Council’s protocols.

3. Support and encourage events.

4. Actively promote and market events happening in Holyhead.

5. Monitor, review and evaluate the success of all supported events upon their conclusion.

6. Work with event organisers to ensure that their events are developed and promoted to their full potential.

General Accountabilities:

1. Respond to internal and external cruise ship events enquiries and provide advice and guidance on behalf of the Town Council.

2. Establish and maintain effective working relationships with partners, stakeholders, and communities.


Demands within the job:

Physical Demands:

Attendance at project meetings and stakeholder events.

Attendance at the Holyhead jetty/dockside on cruise ship visit days (may include going on board).

Carrying and setting up exhibition displays at various events, including cruise ship visits, stakeholder and community events.

Conducting site visits to event locations and businesses.

Mental demands:

The need for accuracy and attention to detail when preparing project reports and documents.

The ability to draft and prepare specialist, technical and publicity material for a wide range of audiences.

The ability to develop, maintain and scrutinise effective records for project monitoring and evaluation.

Emotional Demands:

Strength of character and purpose, including the ability to handle challenging situations.

The need to be helpful, approachable and of a positive nature whilst staying calm and diplomatic under pressure.

Dealing with different priorities and needs of internal and external stakeholders.

Dealing directly with the demands and expectations of the private sector and communities.

Normal office/small team interactions.

Conflict management:

Ability to deal with possible negative feedback and criticism of Holyhead Town Council’s proposals or activities e.g. when attending stakeholder events, meeting clients, via email, in the press or on social media.


Cyngor Tref Caergybi

Disgrifiad Swydd

Teitl y Swydd: Swyddog Twristiaeth a Grantiau

Gradd: 19 £27,854 LC2

37 awr yr wythnos – I gynnwys rhai oriau gwaith hwyr a phenwythnosau.

Lleoliad Gwaith Arferol: Amryfal leoliadau, gan gynnwys Neuadd y Dref, Neuadd y Farchnad, y derfynfa fferïau a rhyw gymaint o weithio o gartref.

Contract o dri mis o leiaf gan weithio tuag at 24 mis.

Darperir gliniadur.

Pwrpas Cyffredinol y Swydd:


Cydlynu gwaith datblygu a rhoi croeso ar y tir i ymwelwyr llongau mordeithio â Chaergybi; ynghyd â chefnogi gwaith datblygu digwyddiadau er mwyn i Ynys Môn fanteisio'n llawn ar ei phoblogrwydd cynyddol fel cyrchfan.

Caergybi yw prif gyrchfan llongau mordeithio Cymru. Dros yr ychydig flynyddoedd diwethaf, mae Porthladd Caergybi wedi bod mewn sefyllfa ddelfrydol i fanteisio ar dwf Môr Iwerddon fel cyrchfan pob tywydd pob llanw ac ar y galw cynyddol am gyfleoedd newydd i fordeithio.

Mae digwyddiadau yn rhan annatod o’r ‘apêl Cyrchfan’ ac yn gyfle arwyddocaol i’n trigolion lleol ac i dargedu a denu ymwelwyr ychwanegol a gwariant cysylltiedig i Ynys Môn.


Gweithio ochr yn ochr ag amryfal gyrff gyda'r amcan cyffredinol o sicrhau cyllid ar gyfer agwedd fasnachol ac anfasnachol busnes beunyddiol Cyngor Tref Caergybi.

Gweithio ochr yn ochr ag amryfal swyddogion i drefnu cyllid ar gyfer adfywio canol y dref.

Bydd yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus yn gweithio ar y cyd ag amryfal randdeiliaid i wella bywiogrwydd canol y dref, o ran edrychiad ac yn fasnachol.

Prif Gyfrifoldebau / Tasgau Allweddol:

Estyn Croeso i Longau Mordeithio:

8. Datblygu a chydlynu gweithgareddau croeso ar y tir ar gyfer llongau mordeithio sy'n ymweld â Phorthladd Caergybi.

9. Paratoi cynllun cyflawni manwl ar gyfer pob ymweliad gan longau mordeithio a gweithredu’r cynllun (ar y cyd â rhanddeiliaid perthnasol), gan amlinellu gweithgareddau ‘croeso’, amseroedd, lleoliadau a rolau/cyfrifoldebau.

10. Sicrhau y darperir croeso cyfeillgar, proffesiynol a chyson yn nherfynfa fordeithio Caergybi a Chaergybi ei hun i bob llong fordeithio.

11. Rheoli’r gyllideb ‘Croeso i Longau Mordeithio’ yn effeithiol, yn unol â phrotocolau’r Cyngor Tref a disgwyliadau teithwyr.

12. Sicrhau presenoldeb ar ochr y doc i hyrwyddo gweithgareddau lleol i'r teithwyr hynny nad ydynt eisoes yn mynd ar daith a archebwyd ymlaen llaw.

13. Paratoi asesiadau risg a sicrhau fod yr holl weithgareddau croeso yng Nghaergybi (lle a phan fo'n berthnasol) yn cydymffurfio â rheolau iechyd a diogelwch.

14. Hyrwyddo ymweliadau gan longau mordeithio a gweithgareddau croesawu a chodi ymwybyddiaeth ohonynt trwy ddefnyddio’r cyfryngau cymdeithasol a dulliau marchnata eraill.

Cymorth gyda’r Digwyddiad:

7. Cydweithio â phartïon â diddordeb i gefnogi digwyddiadau sydd eisoes yn bodoli a chreu digwyddiadau newydd yng Nghaergybi.

8. Rheoli’r gyllideb ‘Cymorth i Ddigwyddiadau Twristiaeth’ yn effeithiol, yn unol â phrotocolau Cyngor Tref Caergybi.

9. Cefnogi ac annog gweithgareddau i dros 500 o bob a adolygir gan Grŵp Ymgynghorol Diogelwch Ynys Môn.

10. Hyrwyddo a marchnata digwyddiadau a gynhelir yng Nghaergybi.

11. Monitro, adolygu a gwerthuso llwyddiant yr holl ddigwyddiadau a gefnogir ar ôl iddynt ddod i ben.

12. Gweithio gyda threfnwyr digwyddiadau i sicrhau bod eu digwyddiadau'n cael eu datblygu a'u hyrwyddo i'w llawn botensial.

Atebolrwydd Cyffredinol:

3. Ymateb i ymholiadau mewnol ac allanol am ddigwyddiadau llongau mordeithio a rhoi cyngor ac arweiniad ar ran y Cyngor Tref.

4. Sefydlu a chynnal perthynas waith effeithiol gyda phartneriaid, rhanddeiliaid a chymunedau.


Gofynion o fewn y swydd:

Gofynion Corfforol:

Mynd i gyfarfodydd prosiect a digwyddiadau rhanddeiliaid.

Bod ar lanfa/glan dociau Caergybi'r diwrnodau pryd y bydd llongau mordeithio’n ymweld (gallai gynnwys mynd ar fwrdd y llong).

Cario arddangosfeydd i ddigwyddiadau amrywiol a’u gosod – digwyddiadau sy’n cynnwys ymweliadau gan longau mordeithio, digwyddiadau rhanddeiliaid a chymunedol.

Ymweld â lleoliadau digwyddiadau a busnesau.

Gofynion meddyliol:

Yr angen am gywirdeb a rhoi sylw i fanylion wrth baratoi adroddiadau a dogfennau prosiect

Y gallu i ddrafftio a pharatoi deunydd arbenigol, technegol a chyhoeddusrwydd ar gyfer ystod eang o gynulleidfaoedd

Y gallu i ddatblygu a chadw cofnodion a’u craffu’n effeithiol er mwyn monitro a gwerthuso prosiectau.

Gofynion Emosiynol:

Cryfder cymeriad a phwrpas, gan gynnwys y gallu i ymdopi â sefyllfaoedd heriol

Yr angen i fod yn gymwynasgar, person y mae’n hawdd mynd ato ac sydd â natur gadarnhaol wrth, hefyd, aros yn dawel a chadw’ch pen a bod yn ddiplomatig dan bwysau

Ymdrin â gwahanol flaenoriaethau ac anghenion rhanddeiliaid mewnol ac allanol.

Ymdrin yn uniongyrchol â gofynion a disgwyliadau'r sector preifat a chymunedau.

Rhyngweithio cyffredin mewn swyddfa/tîm bach.

Rheoli gwrthdaro:

Y gallu i ymdrin ag adborth negyddol posibl a beirniadaeth o gynigion neu weithgareddau Cyngor Tref Caergybi e.e. pan fyddir mewn digwyddiadau rhanddeiliaid, cyfarfod â chleientiaid, trwy e-bost, yn y wasg neu ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol.

Job Type: Full-time

Salary: £27,854.00 per year



Work Location: Hybrid remote in Holyhead, LL65 1HN

Application deadline: 17/03/2023
Reference ID: Tourism and Grants Officer.
Expected start date: 03/04/2023

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