HACCP Requirements Equipment Responsibilities:
You are responsible for ensuring the following Keep all College property clean and
HACCP checks are completed every day by all sanitised between uses.
chefs. Report any broken equipment to the Chef
Wash all fruits and vegetables in the in charge.
correct ratio of water/chlorine tablets Store all equipment safely and ensure all
and record on Monika. removable parts are stored securely and
Complete hourly kitchen check to not lost.
prevent cross contamination in the Report any broken plates, platters or
kitchen. crockery to the senior chef on duty.
Clean your section following the Keep all special purple utensils, serving
cleaning rota and record all jobs on containers and cooking equipment
Monika when complete. separate from all other items
Clean section after lunch and record on Environmental Responsibilities:
relevant Monika rota. Ensure that all food is utilised to maximum
Recording all cooking temperatures etc. potential, reducing waste or spoilage at all
on Monika daily. times.
Record any delivery temperatures and Ensure gas, electric and water is not left
checks on Monika and complete delivery running when not required.
checklists that are in the delivery area. Recycle all food waste, plastic, glass and
Wash hands throughout the day, paper using the correct bins.
between jobs, after breaks and as
required, recording on Monika. Team Responsibilities:
Read all manufacturers labels and ensure Participate in team meetings when
all allergens are clearly marked on in- required.
house labels. Share ideas for recipes or improvements.
Ensure all foods prepared in-house are Identify areas of the kitchen which require
date coded following in-house policy. more thorough cleaning or repairs,
Ensure all manufactured goods/sauces reporting to the Head Chef.
etc. are labelled when opened with an in Help to identify problems with the running
-house allergen label as well as date- of the kitchen or production of food, and
code based on manufacturer equally, help to trouble-shoot and provide
recommendations. solutions.
Keep your uniform clean and Help other sections when you have spare
presentable. capacity or time.
Keep your fridge clean, organised, and Help cover rota shortfalls when required.
sanitized and all food in-date. Help to keep the kitchen calm by working
Record all items on Monika that have well and showing consideration for others.
been vacuum-packed either for sous
vide or for better storage.