Volunteering days
Probationary Period We offer three paid volunteering days per year,
All offers of employment are subject to a three- pro-rata for part time employees, unless otherwise
month probationary period. Reviews will be agreed at our discretion each year (January to
undertaken at six and twelve-weeks. December) to allow employees to undertake
voluntary/charitable work. This time can be split into
Holiday Year half days. Volunteering time can be logged on the
1st January to 31st December. Who’s Off app.
Holiday entitlement Personal/professional training allowance
28 days holiday, plus 8 statutory bank holidays. A personal training allowance of £750 is allocated
Entitlement is pro-rata for part-time employees. to each employee per year to use in a variety of
Holiday can be requested via our HRIS BreatheHR. methods such as conferences, events, books,
We are also flexible for employees to work on journals, professional subscriptions/memberships,
occasional public holidays (except Christmas, contribution to qualifications, coaching, to support
Boxing or New Year’s Day) in lieu of taking a day off with CPD, and £250 per head for functional teams
to celebrate an alternative significant religious day. to pool and engage in collective training.
Please discuss this further with line manager of
Head of People. Salaries
Paid via BACS direct into bank accounts on the 25
Hours of work of each month, where the 25 falls on a weekend,
Full time hours are 37.5 per week, standard working payment will be made the Friday before. Payslips
hours are 9:00am – 5:30pm including one hour are issued electronically via Xero.
lunch. Core hours of work are between 10:00am
and 3:00pm. Enhanced Maternity Pay
Weeks 1 to 26 on full pay, weeks 27 to 39 on
Lunch break Standard Maternity Pay (SMP), weeks 40 to
Lunch breaks are a minimum of 30-minutes . 52 unpaid (eligible at 6 months service).
Refreshment facilities are provided in each of our
hub locations. Enhanced Paternity/Partner leave
Three weeks at full pay.
Flexible working
We offer a range of different working patterns such Absence reporting
as variable start / finish times part-time or Employees are expected to contact their line
compressed hours. Please speak with your line manager and/or Head of People to notify of any
manager or Head of People to discuss any absence at your earliest possible opportunity and
variation to current working pattern or hours. by no later than 10:00am.
Location Sickness absence payments
Each employee will be given a hub location as Employees with less than six-months service will be
their place of work, however there is a requirement paid at the current SSP (Statutory Sick Pay) rate,
to visit or work from other hub locations as where eligible. More than six-months but less than 1
necessary, including to attend the periodic face to year is four weeks full pay, more than one year but
face, all staff away days (which involve an less than five is up to 12 weeks full pay. After this
overnight stay). The hub locations are London, period the below income protection policy will then
Birmingham and Leeds. apply.
Hybrid working Travel card loan
We currently offer an arrangement that allows you The company can provide financial support to
to work three days per week from home (which purchase travel cards. This is then deducted on a
can be averaged out over a few weeks). monthly basis from salary for an agreed time
However, if your home working situation or general period.
working preference means that you prefer to work
in an office, there is no upper limit to the number of
days working in the office. We provide all relevant
home office equipment to ensure you are properly
equipped to work effectively from home. A Income protection
catalogue of equipment is offered for you to select Provides replacement income if an employee is
the required equipment. absent from work through long-term illness or injury.
After 13 weeks of absence, the income protection
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