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Youth Futures Foundation Logo

Senior Data Analytics Officer

Id Job: 316a334

🏠 On-site
💼 Youth Futures Foundation
📍 London, England
💰 30000 – 35000 GBP ANNUAL

Job Description


Candidate Pack

February 2023

Welcome letter

Too many of our young people are prevented from finding a job they love by a

lack of access to appropriate information, advice and connections; inadequate

support to overcome multiple layers of disadvantage; or as a result of discrimination.

It is unacceptable that one in 10 young people in the UK are not in education,

employment or training (NEET).

Young people from marginalised backgrounds We are committed to removing the structural

and particular ethnic minorities are and systemic barriers to employment and

disproportionately likely to be neither earning progression young people from marginalised

nor learning, or underemployed, and their backgrounds face. We take an evidence-led,

outcomes vary significantly more by region. This structural and systems-based approach that

has been compounded by the pandemic that recognises the importance of national learnings

caused significant economic and educational and local context. In 2021 we launched our

disruption. As the economy recovers, the Youth Employment Evidence and Gap Map –

benefits are not being felt equally as long-term the world’s largest, quality-checked evidence

youth unemployment remains higher than pre- base on youth employment – that shows the

pandemic. This is the core mission of Youth global evidence base on what works to

Futures – to support young people facing improve youth skills, employment and job

disadvantage into the record number of job quality.

opportunities that are now available.
We promote strong coordination and
Long-term youth unemployment causes long- partnership working across government,
term scarring effects on the individual and funders, delivery organisations and employers.
their ability to fulfil their potential in society. This Our flagship £6.1million Connected Futures
is worsened by the current cost of living crisis Fund aims to address fragmentation at a local
that is hitting young people hard - they pay level to reduce the fragmentation of youth
double on essentials like rent and bills, employment and skills delivery in the places
compared to the over-50s. Yet the personal that need it most, so that young people furthest
and economic prize for addressing this issue is from the job market receive consistent high-
significant. Supporting young people to quality support to address complex needs.
secure good quality jobs is a sustainable way
to tackle the cost of living crisis. UK GDP could

benefit by £38billion by lowering levels of

young workers classed as NEETs to German

levels, according to our recent research.

We have the opportunity to create a

profound change in the way this country

supports young people from marginalised

backgrounds into employment. Improving

employment prospects for all young people is

a crucial factor in achieving national

productivity gains, reducing the benefits bill,

and enhancing health and wellbeing in


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About us

Youth Futures Foundation is an independent not-for-profit organisation established in

December 2019 to improve employment outcomes for young people from

marginalised backgrounds. Youth Futures launched with an initial endowment of £90

million from the Dormant Assets Scheme and, in January 2022, the government

announced that we had been allocated a further £20 million.

Identify Ignite

Our vision Our primary beneficiaries are young people aged 14-24 who
To create a society where all face at least one personal or

young people have equitable systemic barrier to progressing into

access to good quality jobs. meaningful work, including:

This includes: • ethnic minorities, particularly those most at

risk of facing disparities in the labour
  • equal employment outcomes for young

market (e.g. Pakistani; Bangladeshi;
people who face discrimination or

Black; Mixed; Gypsy, Roma and Traveller)

And/or: young people legally defined as
  • a reduced number of young people children in need
outside the labour market or in insecure
  • young parents, or those who have a

caring responsibility

  • improved progression pathways for
  • economic disadvantage (e.g. eligible

young people
for free school meals or living in an area

of high deprivation)

Our mission • special educational needs or disabilities
  • experience of offending

To narrow the employment gap by • school exclusion or alternative provision

identifying what works and why, • experience of homelessness

investing in evidence generation • a mental health or long-term health condition

and innovation, and igniting new • experience of problem substance use
ideas that change behaviour and


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Our values

We are bold champion diversity in all its forms

We want to disrupt the status quo – it’s core to who we are

and transform the youth- We are collaborative

employment system We build partnerships and

We are always learning share power to increase the

We are evidence-driven, we collective impact

innovate and we aren’t afraid to We are determined

fail We are relentless in our pursuit of

We are inclusive a better future for all young

We embrace, celebrate and people


Our strategic priorities

We are an ambitious organisation

that wants to tackle the root causes

of youth unemployment for young

people from marginalised

backgrounds. To do that, we will

focus on three priorities over the next

three years:

1 Changing the youth employment system by working in partnership with
organisations, policymakers and young

people to address structural and

systemic barriers.

2 Creating opportunities with employers
to recruit and retain more young people

from marginalised backgrounds.

3 Building capacity with practitioners to support and train more young
people from marginalised

backgrounds to be ready for work.

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Equity, diversity and

inclusion statement

The young people we aim to serve - and the challenges they face - are all

unique. We need to build a team that reflects this diversity, is highly skilled and


Our commitment to inclusion across all protected characteristics, experiences and

socioeconomic background forms the cornerstone of our work.

We work hard to ensure we have a diverse and inclusive workforce. We use identity-blind

software for all our permanent recruitment campaigns to reduce unconscious bias during

recruitment. We have flexible working policies which are kept under review and many of the

more flexible working practices we adopted during lockdown have been retained. The

recruitment of our team around our three hubs of Birmingham, Leeds and London has enabled

us to attract a greater diversity of talent than simply focusing recruitment in one city.

In building the Board, the Future Voices Group, and making external appointments to the

Grants Committee, we have also ensured our governance and advisory structures contain a

broad diversity of background and experience.

Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) committee within the staff team has senior

management sponsorship and leads the creation of a more broad- based EDI strategy. This

committee has been created to support accountability pathways within the organisation to ensure

our EDI values are upheld. We also launched a staff diversity survey last year which aimed to

understand the sociodemographic characteristics of our staff and be able to compare this information

with salary data.

We also ensure, where possible, there is diverse representation on our recruitment panels by actively

involving wider team members in recruitment activities to ensure we have diverse perspective and


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Total expenditure in 2021 was £11.7m

2021 (2020: £13.8m), which primarily comprised £8.6m (2020: £11.7m) of grant expenditure
committed to grantees and other

partners engaged in our delivery and

evaluation projects. Many of our

programmes are multi-year in nature

with cash outflow increasing as the

programmes scale up.

As such, cash outflow in 2021 was £10.3m. By

the end of 2022, we expect to have

embarked on multi-year programmes that in

total will utilise 72% (£79m) of our allocated

£110m funding, with further programmes to

be launched in 2023.

£5.2 million
Grant funding awarded

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Term: Full Time Permanent – 37.5 hours per week.

We offer flexible working and consider alternative patterns of work.

Salary: £30,000-£35,000 p/a depending on experience

Reporting to: Senior Economist

Location: Leeds, London, or Birmingham hub. We currently operate a hybrid model of two-days per week

in the office and three-days from home. You must also be prepared to travel to the other hub locations

requiring up to six overnight stays per year of 1-2 nights each. You will be asked to indicate your preferred

hub when applying.

Transforming youth employment

Youth Futures Foundation is an independent, not for profit organisation set up in 2019 with an endowment from

the Reclaim Fund. We exist to tackle youth unemployment, finding effective ways to help young people find

and keep good jobs. Young people facing discrimination and exclusion are disproportionately affected.

Youth Futures Foundation is committed to:

❖ Equipping young people from diverse backgrounds to find and progress in work

❖ Removing structural and systemic barriers to employment and progression

We are working to close the employment gap by:

❖ Building the evidence base

❖ Understanding and highlighting structural and systemic barriers

❖ Improving the quality of employment programmes for young people

❖ Empowering government to carry out evidence-based policy making

❖ Equipping employers to improve productivity through hiring the best talent


We are looking for a dynamic Senior Data Analytics Officer to manage and deliver information, data, and

analysis to help Youth Futures build evidence for impact.

You will work with the Evaluation team and Senior Economist to support the design, delivery and management

of data systems, as well as our data visualisation products. You will be responsible for ensuring evaluation data

is in the correct format for uploading to the Secure Research Service. You will also be responsible for liaising

with evaluation partners to ensure data processes are being followed. Finally, this is also an opportunity to work

on data visualisation projects to ensure the data and analysis is linked correctly and efficiently.

This is an exciting opportunity to work directly with two teams in the Impact and Evidence Directorate. A part of

the role will also be working with other teams, such as policy and communications, to translate complex

analysis and evaluation findings into accessible, user-centred outputs and briefings for internal and external


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Key responsibilities:

Support the Youth Futures approach to evaluation, analysis, and impact, including:

❖ Understand the development of data models and database normalisation.

❖ Manage the development and design of databases that integrate data from evaluation projects as well

as our Connected Futures Fund research projects.

❖ Co-ordinating data returned by Youth Futures evaluators, including ensuring individual evaluation datasets

are properly cleaned, coded and documented to standards required by Office for National Statistics


❖ Prepare / standardise data for further use by internal or external researchers

❖ Support evidence and evaluation team members to set-up secure data repositories, the Youth Futures

evaluation data archive and develop processes and guidance

❖ Manage data flowing from evaluators and ensuring smooth submission to secure data repositories,

including those held in the ONS Secure Research Service.

❖ Provide ad-hoc analysis support to all teams regarding any relevant data flows, while ensuring all teams

follow appropriate policies and procedures.

❖ Ensure that data is accessible, manageable and supported with the appropriate level of metadata and


❖ Support the delivery of in-house projects related to improving the data infrastructure within the


❖ Apply various approaches of using data to gain insights on how we utilize our Data Dashboard and other

data analysis projects.

❖ Co-ordinate, and manage communications with essential stake holders, which includes the users of our

data (practitioners, employers) and organisations that use our evidence (government, other think tanks,


❖ Support the Senior Economist to track and monitor the data analytics from our Data Dashboard.

❖ Create and maintain a database, collating, and cataloguing existing and future Youth Futures analysis and

evaluation research.

❖ Sharing updates and findings of analysis projects internally and externally, through internal communications

channels and external events such as ‘lunch and learns’ and webinars.

❖ Develop and contribute to research outputs - reports, briefing notes, infographics, toolkits, workshops,

blogs, etc.

❖ Contribute to Youth Futures’ broader research and evidence requirements and good practice toolkits.


Essential Desirable

Knowledge, experience and abilities

Experience in analysis, including data storage, cleaning/manipulation, and X


Experience in developing and applying data systems, applying data X

analytics and developing code for repeatable analysis

Experience of collaborating with technical and non-technical audiences X

Experience of desk-based research and scoping reviews X

Ability to support a wide range of analysis projects from design to impact X

Experience in quality assurance of data X

Experience in effectively communicating analysis findings and producing X

user-friendly content for different audiences

Experience in analysis or research and with different datasets in labour X

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Essential Desirable

market, education and/or skills

Relevant qualification in an economic, social science or related discipline, or X

relevant professional experience- with a strong quantitative focus

An understanding of the key features and capabilities of government X

administrative datasets that underpin youth employment

Knowledge of use of data (including linked / administrative data) in impact X

evaluations in fields of education and/or employment

Experience in youth employment and the barriers faced by marginalised X

young people

Understanding economic or econometric analysis X

Eligible to access the Secure Research Service X

Skills and Competencies

An analytical and critical thinker X

Excellent visualisation skills, and the proven ability to communicate difficult X

content to mixed audiences

A collaborative and flexible team member X

Able to embrace change and new ways of working X

Ability to build effective working relationships across teams X

Good organisational and time management skills, ability to manage own X

workload, prioritise tasks and competing demands and deliver in a high-

quality work in a fast-paced environment

Outstanding IT skills, including use of MS Office applications (Word, Excel, X

PowerPoint, Power BI etc), shared online folders, calendars and contacts

Excellent analysis and programming knowledge, including SQL, Python, X

Stata/R, and others


The ability:

❖ to thrive when operating in uncertainty

❖ a proactive and flexible approach, able to identify and take forward opportunities and work effectively in

partnership with others.

❖ a positive and can-do attitude, willing to roll their sleeves up to get into details where necessary

❖ a willingness to collaborate internally and externally to achieve our mission

❖ strong leadership communication skills


As part of Youth Futures Foundation’s safeguarding policy, all employees are subject to a basic Disclosure and Barring

Service (DBS) check

The young people we aim to serve – and the challenges they face - are all unique. We are looking to build a team that

reflects this diversity. Our commitment to inclusion across race, gender, age, class, religion, identity, and experience forms

the cornerstone of our work. We are an equal opportunities employer, welcoming applications from all sections of the


We are particularly keen to encourage people with lived experience of the challenges facing young people in the labour

market, and committed to supporting you in your application. Please contact us if you require any additional support.

Internally, we encourage an open, collaborative and inclusive working environment.

Summary of Terms, Conditions & Benefits
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Volunteering days

Probationary Period We offer three paid volunteering days per year,

All offers of employment are subject to a three- pro-rata for part time employees, unless otherwise

month probationary period. Reviews will be agreed at our discretion each year (January to

undertaken at six and twelve-weeks. December) to allow employees to undertake

voluntary/charitable work. This time can be split into

Holiday Year half days. Volunteering time can be logged on the

1st January to 31st December. Who’s Off app.

Holiday entitlement Personal/professional training allowance

28 days holiday, plus 8 statutory bank holidays. A personal training allowance of £750 is allocated

Entitlement is pro-rata for part-time employees. to each employee per year to use in a variety of

Holiday can be requested via our HRIS BreatheHR. methods such as conferences, events, books,

We are also flexible for employees to work on journals, professional subscriptions/memberships,

occasional public holidays (except Christmas, contribution to qualifications, coaching, to support

Boxing or New Year’s Day) in lieu of taking a day off with CPD, and £250 per head for functional teams

to celebrate an alternative significant religious day. to pool and engage in collective training.

Please discuss this further with line manager of

Head of People. Salaries

Paid via BACS direct into bank accounts on the 25

Hours of work of each month, where the 25 falls on a weekend,

Full time hours are 37.5 per week, standard working payment will be made the Friday before. Payslips

hours are 9:00am – 5:30pm including one hour are issued electronically via Xero.

lunch. Core hours of work are between 10:00am

and 3:00pm. Enhanced Maternity Pay

Weeks 1 to 26 on full pay, weeks 27 to 39 on

Lunch break Standard Maternity Pay (SMP), weeks 40 to

Lunch breaks are a minimum of 30-minutes . 52 unpaid (eligible at 6 months service).

Refreshment facilities are provided in each of our

hub locations. Enhanced Paternity/Partner leave

Three weeks at full pay.

Flexible working

We offer a range of different working patterns such Absence reporting

as variable start / finish times part-time or Employees are expected to contact their line

compressed hours. Please speak with your line manager and/or Head of People to notify of any

manager or Head of People to discuss any absence at your earliest possible opportunity and

variation to current working pattern or hours. by no later than 10:00am.

Location Sickness absence payments

Each employee will be given a hub location as Employees with less than six-months service will be

their place of work, however there is a requirement paid at the current SSP (Statutory Sick Pay) rate,

to visit or work from other hub locations as where eligible. More than six-months but less than 1

necessary, including to attend the periodic face to year is four weeks full pay, more than one year but

face, all staff away days (which involve an less than five is up to 12 weeks full pay. After this

overnight stay). The hub locations are London, period the below income protection policy will then

Birmingham and Leeds. apply.

Hybrid working Travel card loan

We currently offer an arrangement that allows you The company can provide financial support to

to work three days per week from home (which purchase travel cards. This is then deducted on a

can be averaged out over a few weeks). monthly basis from salary for an agreed time

However, if your home working situation or general period.

working preference means that you prefer to work

in an office, there is no upper limit to the number of

days working in the office. We provide all relevant

home office equipment to ensure you are properly

equipped to work effectively from home. A Income protection

catalogue of equipment is offered for you to select Provides replacement income if an employee is

the required equipment. absent from work through long-term illness or injury.

After 13 weeks of absence, the income protection

Candidate Pack | 2023 10

plan provides 75% of basic salary for a two-year A policy which enables employees to provide a

period. tax-free lump sum benefit payment, and/or a
longer-term income to their family and dependants

Pension in the event of death whilst in Service. Cover
There is an auto-enrolment pension scheme provided by Aviva. Payment is based on 4 x basic
provided by People’s Pension. If you meet the salary.
auto-enrolment criteria, you will automatically
become a member of the scheme. Youth Futures Season Ticket Loan
Foundation pay an employer contribution of 6%, An interest free loan for a 6 month or 12-month
with an employee contribution of 5% of salary. An season ticket with monthly deductions from salary.
opt in to an additional 2% matched contribution
can be made with a contribution totalling 15%. Cycle to Work Scheme
Membership details will be issued to you upon Allows you to buy commuter bikes and cycling
commencement. You can choose to opt out the accessories through us, so you spread the cost and
scheme should you wish. making savings through a tax break.

Employee Assistance Programme Expenses
A 24-hour helpline with access to a range of legal, Reasonable expenses incurred in line with the
consultancy, 24/7 crisis assistance support and Travel & Expense Policy will be reimbursed against
signposting. Provided by Assured Health. receipts. Expenses can be claimed back via the
Zoho app.
Health Cash Benefit
A cash plan insurance policy that helps cover the Dress Code
cost of everyday health care, such as dental, We do not have a dress code. It is expected that
optical and therapies. The plan reimburses some or you will dress appropriately for the work in which
all of the cost of routine and/or unforeseen you are carrying out.
healthcare costs and appointments. Full details of

entitlements and support available will be issued to
you direct from the provider Medicash. Totalling


Group Life Assurance

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How to apply

To apply for this role :

Please follow this link to BeApplied timetable


If you any questions or wish to find

out more details about this

opportunity please contact:

Lisa Metcalf

Head of People
[email protected]

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