Are you enthusiastic, resilient, excited to embrace change and passionate about providing an excellent service to families in our localities?
If so, Cambridgeshire Community Services 0-19 Healthy Child Programme (Health Visiting) would welcome you to join our team.
We welcome applications from experienced, newly qualified health visitors and SCPHN students nearing the end of their training.
Successful candidates will be based at The Peacock Centre, Cambridge and covering Sawston, Melbourn and Cambourne
Cambridgeshire Community Service is able to offer :
- A dedicated child and family focused service delivery that makes Every Contact Count
- The opportunity to work within an integrated 0-19 HCP skill mix team
- A Robust 1 year preceptorship for all newly qualified staff or those who are wishing to return to practice
- A comprehensive induction package
- A holistic approach to offering support and guidance via management, safeguarding and restorative supervision
- Continuous staff development identified via our supervision and appraisal system in order to support and develop leadership skills
- Working for an NHS organisation with Agenda for Change terms and conditions
- An opportunity to build great relationships with our partner agencies such as early years settings, Local Authority and child and Family Centres; ensuring the best outcomes for children and families
- A competitively priced lease car scheme
- The opportunity to embrace agile working, supported by IT connectivity