Job Description
Job Introduction
SCIS is seeking to build a network of MFL supply teachers for their member schools that operate in West Central Scotland. This covers the regions of Argyle and Bute, the City of Glasgow, East Ayrshire, East Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire, Inverclyde, North Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire, South Ayrshire, South Lanarkshire and West Dunbartonshire.
SCIS has 20 member schools in this area, these include, Al-Qalam Primaryand High School, Ardfern School, Belmont House School, Cedars School of Excellence, Corseford School, East Park, Fernhill School, Hamilton College, Hutcheson's Grammar School, Kelvinside Academy, Lomond School, Mirren Park School, Olivewood Primary School, Scottish Centre For Children With Motor Impairments, St Aloysius' College, St Columba's School, Stanmore House School, The Glasgow Academy, The High School of Glasgow and Wellington School, Ayr.
By registering with us we will provide job opportunities to you directly from our schools to cover day-to-day, long term and unfilled permanent teaching jobs.
All applicants must be registered, or eligible for registration, with the GTC Scotland.
Main Responsibilities
Job descriptions will be available via our job alerts and our member schools.
The Ideal Candidate
Person specifications and application information will be available via our job alerts and our member schools.
About the school/organisation
The Scottish Council of Independent Schools (SCIS) is an educational charity representing and promoting the interests of over 70 independent schools across the country.
SCIS promotes choice, diversity, and excellence in Scottish education. Our role is to provide parents with impartial information, advice, and guidance, as well as keeping independent schools abreast of educational developments, training opportunities and legislative change thus enabling the independent school sector to make a worthwhile contribution to the development of education in Scotland.
The purpose of SCIS Jobs and Careers is to promote employment opportunities within our member schools, including teaching, coaching, support and leadership roles.
Package Description
Remuneration packages and benefits will vary by school, as will working hours.
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