Court Associate
Id Job: 316e7a4
Id Job: 316e7a4
About the job
Things you need to know
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About the job
We encourage applications from people from all backgrounds and aim to have a workforce that represents the wider society that we serve. We pride ourselves on being an employer of choice. We champion diversity, inclusion and wellbeing and aim to create a workplace where everyone feels valued and a sense of belonging. To find out more about how we do this visit:
These operational roles are customer facing, requiring successful applicants to be office based to provide HMCTS services to the public. HMCTS offers a flexible working system in many of its offices, subject to business needs being met.
New recruits to the Civil Service joining MoJ are expected to join at the band minimum.
Existing Civil Servants applying on promotion will usually be appointed on the salary minimum of the pay band or with an increased salary of 10% on their existing base salary (restricted to the new pay band maximum), whichever is the higher.
Existing Civil Servants moving at the same grade will retain their existing remuneration package.
Please note the position at Leeds Magistrates Court is based at Leeds, LS1 3BE.
The Tribunals Service and Her Majesty’s Court Service were integrated into a single Agency, Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service on 1st April 2011. Bringing these two organisations together has removed duplication in management functions and increased the efficiency of the administration, which has enabled HMCTS to reduce what it spends away from the front line substantially.
Consequently, there are high expectations of all staff regardless of the job they do and high performance is expected from everybody. The organisation is continuously adopting new or better ways of working to ensure that it focuses on just that which is essential.
EO staff will need to display a commitment to four key principles: Continuous change, LEAN principles, managing uncertainty and improving performance. All those appointed to new roles in HMCTS must be wholeheartedly committed to these principles and evidence this in their application.
As a new organisation HMCTS is embarking on a period of significant change. Strong leadership is a critical element in this being successful. Jobholders who have responsibility for managing staff will be required to provide clear direction and focus, visibly championing the changes which deliver greater efficiencies. The HMCTS Delivery Directors expects managers in the organisation to operate in a culture of openness and honesty, demonstrating a commitment to change through involvement and empowerment, and by delivering results.
The key purpose of the role is to
Key responsibilities
Team leadership
Processing and managing casework
Calculations and analysis
Communicating with the public, juries, the judiciary, other court and tribunal users and representatives of other agencies and organisations
Specialist roles
Other duties
The post holder is required to work in a flexible way and undertake any other duties reasonably requested by line management which are commensurate with the grade and level of responsibility of this post.
Operational Delivery in HMCTS
This role is part of the Operational Delivery Profession. Operational delivery professionals are the outward face of government, providing essential services to the public in a variety of roles. They work in many different departments and agencies across the breadth of the UK, delivering service to customers in
Being part of the operational delivery profession means belonging to a cross-government community of people. This will offer you access to information on professional standards, skills development and qualifications to help you continue to improve your development and performance and expand your career options.
We'll assess you against these behaviours during the selection process:
For more information about the recruitment process, benefits and allowances and answers to general queries, please click the below link which will direct you to our Candidate Information Page.
Things you need to know
This job is broadly open to the following groups:
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