We have provided detail of the assessment stages and areas being assessed to help you prepare for.
Success Profiles will enable a fairer and more inclusive method of recruitment by enabling us to assess the range of experiences, abilities, strengths, behaviours and technical/professional skills required for different roles. This flexible approach to recruitment focuses more on finding the right candidate for the specific role. To find out more about Success Profiles to support your application please visit Success Profiles - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) for further guidance.
Behaviour Based Assessment
The online test assesses your natural strengths based on how you respond to each task. There are no right or wrong answers in this test so there isn't anything you need to do in order to prepare. You must complete and submit the test by the deadline stated in your invitation. If you do not complete and submit the test before the deadline, your application will not progress.
You will have 48 hours to complete the Behaviour Based Assessment once you have submitted your application and received the assessment instructions. A clear date and time will be on the email you will receive with the assessment link
Video Sift
You will be asked questions to understand whether you have the Civil Service Strengths relevant to the job role. It is important to remember that there are no right or wrong answers to these questions. Do not rehearse your answers because we are looking for your initial response. The qualities required for the role will be described in the job description. The best way to prepare is to reflect on what you feel your personal strengths are and your preferred ways of working.
Please note: You will have 7 days to complete the video sift. If you experience technical issue or cannot complete the video sift within the timeframe for any other reason, you must get in touch as soon as possible and within 3 days of the deadline passing, otherwise your application will be withdrawn
Online Assessment Centre
The Online Assessment Centre will include the following assessment areas:
Written Exercise
The Civil Service Behaviours assessed at Online Assessment Centre are:
Making Effective Decisions
Communicating and Influencing
Applying for more than one Asylum Decision Maker vacancy
We are running Asylum Decision Maker adverts to cover different locations and you can apply for any of these vacancies if they are in a location you are happy to travel to. If you apply for more than one vacancy your first online test, video sift and online assessment centre score will be used across all of your applications within a six month period and you will not have to do these again. Once six months has elapsed for each stage you will be required to complete the assessments again for future applications.
For further information about the role and how to apply, please visit the Home Office Campaign microsite: https://homeofficejobs-sscl.co.uk
Please note: Near miss offers may be made at Administrative Officer (AO) grade to candidates who do not meet the required standard for Executive Officer (EO). These roles may be permanent or Fixed Term appointments dependent on business requirements.
Please ensure that all examples provided in your application are taken directly from your own experience and that you describe the examples in your own words. All applications are screened for plagiarism and copying of examples/answers from internet sources. If any is detected the application will be withdrawn from the process. Further action, including disciplinary action, may be considered in such cases involving internal candidates. Providing false or misleading information would be contrary to the core values of honesty and integrity expected of all Civil Servants.
Please note: If you are currently an agency member of staff working within the Home Office, a contractor or contingent worker you can only apply for roles that are advertised externally, i.e. outside the civil service. If you are eligible to apply for a role, you are required to select yourself as an external applicant and not internal when submitting your application on Civil Service jobs. This will prevent any delays in pre-employment checks should you become successful in being made an offer of employment after the Interview stage.
Owing to the size of the campaign it will not be possible to provide candidates with feedback at either the sift or interview stage.
Feedback will only be provided if you attend an interview or assessment.