Aberdeen Internship - Data Safe Haven
The Aberdeen Internship Programme has operated successfully since 2011. The initiative offers students the opportunity to contribute to defined projects or activities within the University during the summer vacation, within a supervised and supportive environment which helps develop transferrable skills for future work or study.
Aberdeen Internships will offer students who expect to graduate in 2024 or 2025 the opportunity to contribute to defined projects or activities within the University allowing them to enhance their employability skills.
Projects will comprise of 36.5 hours per week for a 10-week period, starting on June 5th, 2023, and concluding on August 11th, 2023. (Flexibility regarding start date will be considered on case-by-case basis).
Digital & Information Services
Staff Category
Duration of Post
Fixed Term (9 months or less)
- Further Particulars.pdf
(PDF, 1226.57kb)
DDIS hosts significant skills, knowledge, physical and virtual resources which can be used more beneficially within research. The Grampian Data Safe Haven, based within the Relationship Management division of DDIS, is a secure, virtual healthcare data analysis and storage centre established by the University of Aberdeen and NHS Grampian to allow for the secure processing and linking of health data for the Grampian and Scottish population when it is not practicable to obtain consent from individual patients. Our ethos is built on working with clinicians, researchers and industry partners to improve health and social care by providing a safe and secure environment and enabling cutting-edge research.
The post will allow the Intern to develop their understanding of and integral need for metadata catalogues within healthcare research, learning how metadata catalogues are developed and produced as a component of research databases. The Intern will also transform existing DaSH metadata catalogues into formats suitable for ingestion by external organisations. Critical in this context is understanding the different audiences of metadata: researchers, data analysts and the public – and how metadata is produced and tailored to each audience. The Intern will develop their analytical and relational skills between datasets and context and provenance. The Intern will also be given the opportunity to enhance their communication skills through liaison with colleagues and DaSH stakeholders.
Salary will be at the appropriate point on Grade 2, £21,134 per annum.
Should you wish to make an informal enquiry please contact: Michael Lackenby, DaSH Analyst & Research Coordinator, [email protected]. Please do not send application forms or CVs to Michael Lackenby.
Applications should include a curriculum vitae (no more than two sides of A4) and covering letter (no more than one side of A4), outlining your reasons for making an application. We would strongly recommend that you make use of the University’s Careers and Employability Service to support you in your application.
Online application forms are available at www.abdn.ac.uk/jobs
Job Reference Number: INT2304S
The closing date for receipt of applications is 27 March 2023.
The Division of Digital & Information Services embraces a diverse working environment and recognises the many benefits this can bring. Applications from individuals from across all of the equality protected characteristics are encouraged.