Research and identify consultants, contractors, advisers and other individuals and organisations to assist you in producing and evaluating carbon and energy reduction schemes for individual buildings, and for the wider estate.
Identify opportunities for increasing sustainable heating, cooling and electricity generation.
Develop funding proposals for projects that will then be submitted to the University and Welsh & UK Governments and work with colleagues to continually improve our design specifications for new buildings and for future major refurbishments.
Help guide carbon neutral / carbon negative specifications of new builds and refurbishment projects.
Investigate and interpret knowledge and data from multiple sources, and then look to identify and work with various colleagues, specialist consultants and contractors to produce deliverable schemes, building by building and across the whole built estate.
It is anticipated that, in due course, you will lead on or be a part of the delivery of many of those schemes, evaluating their success and identifying opportunities to further improve energy use & carbon reduction for the future.
Seek opportunities to reduce mains water consumption and wastewater sent for treatment, and for replacing high energy consuming equipment, improving electrical and heating controls, phasing out gas and oil, improving insulation, installing ground and air source heat pumps, solar, wind and other improvement opportunities.
Generate, with the help of colleagues, a list of priority interventions and the production of Carbon Reduction Plans that will make a real difference.
Connect with external employers, learning from their experiences, and generate your own innovative ideas.
Participate in Higher Education Sector discussions on carbon reduction initiatives and, where appropriate, champion your work and the work of the University in reducing energy demands, increasing use of sustainable heating and cooling
Promote how Bangor University are reducing our adverse impact on the environment.
Play a central role in delivering the University’s transition to a net zero estate, including identifying how this can be achieved.
Prepare compelling business cases and supporting the implementation of appropriate schemes.
Seek funding and partnership opportunities for energy efficiency and carbon reduction schemes, renewables, and wider innovation to achieve net zero.
Support the development of technical solutions and strategies to support Buildings and Infrastructure achieve energy reduction and net zero carbon targets.
As applicable, coordinate or project manage to deliver projects, ensuring delivery to agreed timelines and within budget
Understand reports and technical information.
On specific projects, work with the University’s Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor for Sustainability to support their initiatives and strategies for continually improving sustainability performance across the student and staff community and at the institution.