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The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Logo

Consultant Haematologist

Id Job: 316e324

šŸ  On-site
šŸ’¼ The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
šŸ“ Ashton-under-Lyne, England
ā± 1 day ago
šŸ’° 88364 ā€“ 119133 GBP ANNUAL

Job Description

Consultant Haematologist ā€“ 2 opportunities

Unique opportunity to join a collaborative venture between the Christie NHS Foundation Trust (CFT) and Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust (TGH), involved in the development of haematology services across the southern sector of the Greater Manchester and Cheshire Cancer Network (GMCCN) and the delivery of clinical and laboratory haematology on the TGH site. There is also the opportunity to work on the Christie main site in order to develop a specialist interest, however the majority of the clinical sessions will be undertaken at TGH. You will be a core member of the Christie leukaemia/myeloma and lymphoma multi-disciplinary teams and will have the opportunity to develop a special interest in an area of malignant haematology at the Christie if required to suit the interests of the successful applicant.

The Haematology department based at TGH is run by a highly motivated team providing outpatient, day care and inpatient service to BCSH level 1. You will join the existing team of 14 Consultants across our Haematology services at the Christie / TGH and Macclesfield.

You will be expected to participate a shared on-call rota (currently with Stepping Hill Hospital) for out of hours work. There will be no on-call commitment on the Christie Site.

These posts report to the Clinical Director of Haematology & Teenage and Young Adult Cancer at The Christie NHS Trust with accountability to the Medical Director at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust.

There is both inpatient and outpatient management of a wide variety of benign and malignant haematological disorders as would be typical of a District General Hospital haematology practise.

Haematology has no dedicated inpatient beds; however, they provide a service to the Medical and Surgical Directorates to give haematological assessments when required. There is considerable liaison with local GPā€™s for haematological advice.

The focus of these roles is:

The haematology department provides a specialist clinical service to the residents of Tameside & Glossop (population approximately 250,000). Approximately 330 new patients with various haematology disorders are seen each year along with approximately 2250 follow-up patients. The department treats patients with both malignant and non-malignant haematological disorders and provides advice and guidance to GPs and colleagues within the Trust

Cancer services are provided in a purpose-built MacMillan Unit where chemotherapy is administered along with the necessary supportive care for cancer patients. The current status of haematology is BCSH Level 1, working towards achieving Level 2a. Out-patient clinical activity is undertaken at Tameside General Hospital site.

You would join the existing team to provide haematology care ensuring all service targets including cancer targets are achieved. Liaison with other specialties in the hospital is required supporting the consultants with hospital referrals and offering haematology input as necessary. You would also be involved in regular laboratory duties, ie, morphology, coagulation and transfusion including interpretation of results and advice for various users including General Practitioners

The medical establishment provides 14 consultants within the department.

The appointees will be based at Tameside and will report to the Clinical Director of Haematology & Teenage and Young Adult Cancer at The Christie NHS Trust with accountability to the Medical Director at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust.
Diagnostic support

Radiology (X ray, MRI and CT scan) and Pharmacy services are available at Tameside.

The Pathology Collaborative

Pathology is provided via Tameside.

Diagnostic samples from haematology patients are handled and reported by the Greater Manchester Haematological Cancer Diagnostic Partnership (HODS).

The Haematology Laboratory Department

The haematology laboratory holds full UKAS accreditation status to ISO 15189:2012. The department is registered in the United Kingdom External Quality Assessments scheme for its full repertoire of tests including coagulation, blood transfusion, full blood counts and other general haematology tests.

Haematology, Biochemistry and Blood Transfusion have been merged to provide a combined blood science service. The laboratory is fully CPA accredited and takes part in all relevant NEQAS schemes

The services consist of:
Clinical Haematology

There is both inpatient and outpatient management of a wide variety of benign and malignant haematological disorders as would be typical of a District General Hospital haematology practise.

Haematology has no dedicated inpatient beds, however, they provide a service to the Medical and Surgical Directorates to give haematological assessments when required. This is currently provided by ad-hoc visits as required. Haematology patients receiving out-patient care, including those attending the Tameside Macmillan Unit, that require in-patient treatment remain under the care of the admitting General Physician with the haematologist providing relevant advice. General Physicians also manage patients with venous thromboembolic problems and liaise closely with the anticoagulant service.

There is considerable liaison with local General Practitioners for haematological advice, both written and by telephone along with clinical advice and guidance via the NHS Electronic Referral Service

Pre-COVID pandemic the clinical haematology department reviewed approximately 46 new haematology outpatients and 220 review patients per month. Day case attendances numbered approximately 85 per month (Monday and Thursday)

The current haematology inpatient and outpatient case mix consists of general haematology, low grade haematological malignancy which includes chronic myeloid and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, myeloma plus myelodysplasias and a variety of haemostatic and thrombotic problems. Cases of acute leukaemia in younger patients requiring intensive chemotherapy are referred onward to the specialist haematology unit at the Christie Hospital.

The treatment of haematological malignancies is by protocol and is also based on the BCSH and North West Haemato-Oncology guidelines. Chemotherapy is electronically prescribed using the iQemo computerised system.

When appropriate, patients with haemoglobinopathies are referred to the Sickle cell and Thalassaemia Centre at the Central Manchester Hospital. Patients with haemophilia and other congenital bleeding disorders are referred to the Thrombosis and Haemostasis Centre at the Manchester Royal Infirmary.

Out of hours cover and on-call

The appointees will be expected to participate in an out of hours on shared with Stockport NHS Foundation Trust (currently 1:4). It is anticipated that the out of hours arrangements may change going forward to include cover for East Cheshire NHS Trust although at reduced frequency

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