Research Fellow in Computational Magnetohydrodynamics on Nonlinear low states and turbulence produced by helical magnetorotational-type instabilities funded by the Science and Technologies Facilities Council STFC (Coventry University, UK)
Fixed term (end date 31st August 2025)
Applications are invited for the position of Research Fellow in Computational Magnetohydrodynamics sponsored by the Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) (
The project is concerned with the development of a comprehensive nonlinear theory of helical magnetorotational
instability (HMRI) which could explain the origin of turbulence in hydrodynamically stable astrophysical
flows not affected by standard magnetorotational instability (SMRI).
Helical magnetorotational instability is thought to be important for the dynamo action in the solar tachocline – a thin transition region with a thickness of ~0.04R separating the rigidly rotating radiative zone of outer radius 0.7R from the convective zone which rotates faster at the equator and slower at the poles. The rotation rate increasing radially outwards in the equatorial part of the tachocline suppresses the SMRI but not the HMRI which can still be effective in this dynamically important solar region. However, unlike the SMRI, the HMRI, according to the underlying linear stability theory, is limited to relatively slow rotational flows. The ability of the HMRI to destabilize highly inertial flows outside its linear instability range is unclear. Solving this theoretically challenging and astrophysically important problem is the main aim of this project which involves a state-of-the-art theoretical study combining weakly nonlinear analysis with the fully nonlinear finite-amplitude solutions and direct numerical simulation of HMRI-driven turbulence.
The successful candidate should hold a PhD or equivalent degree in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Magnetohydrodynamics or Physics with a proven track record of producing a high-quality scientific output.
The Research Fellow will work within the vibrant environment of the Fluid and Complex Systems Research Centre, at Coventry University. The group conducts both fundamental and applied research in the fields of stability, magnetohydrodynamics, turbulence and geophysical fluid dynamics as well as other areas of fluid mechanics. In the REF2014, 84% of the group's output, as part of the mathematics submission, was deemed ‘internationally excellent’ or ‘world-leading’.
The post is fixed term until 31st August 2025. To apply please also include your CV with a publication list. For further information please contact Dr Janis Priede (Coventry University, [email protected], +44(0)7557425329).