British Transport Police (BTP) are looking to recruit a Transferee/ Re-joiner as Police Constable at Peterborough.
Constables play a critical front-line role in the prevention and detection of crime and the criminal justice system. Constables work in partnership on a day-to-day basis with local communities, stakeholders and colleagues in order to promote law and order, reduce the fear of crime, provide reassurance and build confidence to improve the quality of life for citizens.
More information about this vacancy can be found in the attached ‘Role Profile’.
Why join BTP?
BTP police and protect 10,000 miles of track and 3,000 railway stations every day; a network that is at the heart of Britain's community, commerce and industry. Join us and you’ll be providing specialist policing to a unique community in a unique environment, dealing with rewarding challenges that you won’t find in any other Force.
We work hard to protect the public and those who work in and around our transport hubs by promoting law and order on the rail network, preventing crime and providing a reassuring presence. We are a Force that cares and strives to meet the ever-changing demands of our key stakeholders and partners. We are a modern and inclusive workforce offering geographical flexibility, better work/life balance and a commitment to our staff and Officer development.
Here at BTP you will have the chance to excel in your career and broaden your skillset.
How to apply?
The recruitment process is simple! Please select the ‘apply’ button below where you will be directed to our application form.
During the process you will be asked to upload a copy of your latest PDR. If you are unable to provide this due to length of time away from previous Force, then please upload a blank document in its place.
Initial Eligibility Criteria
We welcome applications from Officers who are serving or have served in a Home Office Police Force
Those applying on a transferee basis must be substantive in the rank of Constable, having completed the full probationary period
Those applying to re-join service must have satisfactorily completed their probationary period and resigned or retired from their previous force. There is currently no time limit restriction in place for re-joiners, we will consider all ex-officers on application
Applicants must have lived in the UK for 3 consecutive years prior to application
Applicants must not be currently subject to any unsatisfactory performance reviews/ action plans or live warnings. We are unable to vet someone who is currently under investigation at their current Force therefore we would ask you to apply to BTP once the matter is resolved
Applicants with an existing CCJ or unmanaged IVA will not be able to apply. We are also not able to accept applications from those currently bankrupt
Please note: re-joiner applicants may be subject to a training needs analysis as required on joining BTP. Depending on the length of time out of service or any notable skills gaps training could be anywhere from 2 to 18 weeks and may include Work-Based Assessment. Training requirements cannot be assessed on a speculative basis and this will be discussed during your induction.
Further information?
Attached you will find our Transferee/Re-joiner recruitment pack which offers vital information on pay and pensions as well as other FAQs! The recruitment team also welcome any questions via email on [email protected]. If you would like to speak to a member of the recruitment team please leave your name and number on your email and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Some of our locations attract an allowance in addition to basic salary, attached you will find a breakdown of these allowances by station.
Positive action
At BTP we are proud guardians of the railway and it is crucial that we represent the diverse communities we serve and protect. As ‘One BTP’ across the UK, we know that diversity, inclusion and belonging help us improve our decision making, foster creativity and drive innovation so all our people can thrive.
Our vacancies are open to everyone and all appointments are made based on merit. So that we can become more diverse we encourage applications from candidates from Black, Asian, and minority ethnic backgrounds, women, people who have a disability, those who are neurodiverse and persons who identify as LGBTQI+. We use positive action to encourage potential candidates from underrepresented groups through targeted workshops or advice sessions. If you have the skills, experience and values that here in BTP we pride ourselves on then we would welcome you to apply.
For more information on Positive Action please click here or email the team on [email protected]