ABL Services
Passionate about and committed to reducing health inequalities, ABL deliver a range of health and
wellbeing services across the country including:
Service Brief Description
Specialist Multi-disciplinary support including medical, psychological and therapy, nutrition,
dietetics and exercise behavior change support. For adults with BMI of 35+ to achieve
(Tier 3) Weight
and sustain long-term weight loss and provide support and referral for Bariatric
surgery where appropriate.
Stop Smoking Our stop smoking advisors support smokers for a minimum 12-week intervention.
and Tobacco Whilst we support all smokers, we offer targeted support to priority groups including,
Control people with long term conditions, primary care, secondary care, maternity services,
mental health, adult and children’s social care and 0 to 19 services.
Community Support adults with a BMI >25-40 to take realistic, small steps to becoming more
(Tier 2) Weight active, making positive food choices and goal setting.
ABL also offer healthy weight pathways including integrated tier 2, tier 3 adult and
family weight management services (in commissioned areas only).
Family Weight Specialist and community family weight management for families and young people.
Management Includes a multi-disciplinary approach with family focused support including nutrition,
exercise and behavior change.
Low Calorie Part of a new NHS programme which provides a low calorie diet treatment for people
Diet who are overweight and living with type 2 diabetes. The service supports people to
Programme make healthy lifestyle changes, achieving remission wherever possible. The
multicomponent programme combines specialist nutrition, psychology, and physical
activity support.
Intensive Our IPS service take a whole family approach to supporting children and young people
Personalised with a learning disability and/or Autism, who display challenging behaviours. We work
Support with individuals and their families to understand the reasons behind behaviours and
implement a co-produced behaviour support plan, with the aim of keeping the child
at home and out of long term hospital stays or residential care.
Patient An award winning service facilitating and leading quarterly health care councils in 35
Participation in prisons across the North of England, enabling patients to be actively involved in
Prisons decisions about their healthcare services within their custodial setting.
Integrated We offer realistic and practical support for people to make life long healthy behaviour
Wellbeing changes, supporting people to manage their weight, stop smoking, move more, drink
Services less alcohol and falls prevention.
Workplace Supporting workplaces such as museums, hospitals and councils across the North
Health West to understand health and wellbeing needs of their employees. Includes training,
nutrition analysis, tailored workplace health packages.