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University of Glasgow Logo

Clinical Research Fellow

Id Job: 316a334

🏠 On-site
💼 University of Glasgow
📍 Glasgow, Scotland
1 day ago
💰 38704 – 57349 GBP ANNUAL

Job Description

Job Purpose
The main purpose of this post is to advance clinical and translational virology research at the University of Glasgow through involvement in a collaborative and multidisciplinary project at the School of Infection and Immunity, MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research (CVR).
This post forms an essential part of the strategic expansion of virology research in the University and is funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC). The position offers an excellent opportunity for skilled and motivated clinically qualified medical doctors from any specialty at pre-consultant (usually registrar) level, with an interest in infectious diseases or clinical virology to undertake a higher degree (PhD) and pursue an academic career. The position is also open to suitably qualified nurses with suitable qualifications and demonstrable interest in research.
Main Duties and Responsibilities
1. Plan, design and implement an appropriate research project, in conjunction with relevant investigators and collaborators leading towards a Higher Degree.
2. Manage data handling and interpretation of research results and take the lead in writing papers for publication in appropriate peer-reviewed journals.
3. Accumulate a significant body of data of the standard required for submission for examination for a higher degree (e.g. PhD).
4. Collaborate with colleagues and participate in team meetings/discussions and departmental research group activities.
5. Keep up to date with recent literature and advances in the field.
6. Present work at internal and external seminars and national/international conferences as appropriate to enhance the profile of the research group.
7. Write and submit applications for Ethics and Research Management approval, as appropriate and in conjunction with principal investigators (PIs).
8. Supervise undergraduate and postgraduate student projects and contribute to the academic progress of students.
9. Undertake clinical work under an NHS honorary contract, as detailed below.
10. Engage in continuous professional development.
11. Contribute to the enhancement of the University’s international profile in line with the University’s Strategic Plan, World Changers Together.
These key tasks are not intended to be exhaustive but simply highlight a number of major tasks which the staff member may be reasonably expected to perform.
Qualifications, Knowledge, Skills and Experience
A1 Primary medical or nursing qualification.
A2 GMC or NMC registration and licence to practice.
A3 Demonstrable interest in infectious disease research.
B1 Possess National Training Number (NTN).
B2 BSc, Msc or equivalent intercalated degree (e.g. molecular biology/microbiology).
B3 Evidence of distinction in career to date, e.g. prizes, awards, bursaries.
C1 Ability to interrogate data systematically.
C2 Appropriate IT skills.
C3 Capacity for originality and innovation.
C4 Excellent communication skills (both written and oral).
C5 Good interpersonal skills and ability to work constructively with staff at all levels.
C6 Proven academic track record.
C7 Enthusiasm for infectious disease research.
C8 Self-motivation and the ability to work as part of a team and independently.
C9 Ability to manage research projects.
D1 Ability to deliver research that can be published in leading academic publications.
D2 Successful record of writing and presenting research.
D3 Proactive and efficient administrative ability.
E1 Evidence of some previous research experience.
E2 Experience and/or interest in basic and clinical infectious disease research.
E3 Ability to contribute to a defined project and develop research potential.
F1 Experience in undergraduate teaching or postgraduate teaching.
F2 Publication record.
The Post - General Information
Clinical Research Fellowships offer medical graduates the opportunity for training in a range of research methodologies relevant to modern biomedical research. Most Clinical Fellows will undertake research training to consolidate career prospects, by participating in relevant research, which will usually form part of a further qualification or Higher degree (MSc, MD, PhD). The post should make individuals competitive for future NHS teaching hospital appointments or Academic Lecturer/Clinician Scientist awards.
Research Training
Clinical Research Fellows are encouraged to attend workshops and training in generic transferable skills organised by the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences Graduate School. Full details of the programme are available at: University of Glasgow - Colleges - College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences - Graduate School - CURRENT PGR STUDENT INFORMATION - Skills training
Regular attendance at, and contribution to, research group meetings is expected.
Higher Degrees
Clinical Research Fellows will undertake study towards a higher degree, ordinarily a PhD, in the University of Glasgow. In addition to an academic supervisor, all postgraduate students will have an independent adviser. Either the adviser or supervisor must be a member of full-time University academic staff.
Clinical Work
An appropriate honorary grading will be sought from the relevant NHS Service. Clinical activities may be limited to those required for research training such as recruitment to trials and conduct of clinical research. However, limited additional clinical work is possible, subject to the agreement of the supervisor and NHS Services Clinical Director, with in-patient and out-patient experience in Medicine and relevant Specialties. Where any clinical activities of a Service nature extend beyond the usual working week, confirmation in advance of any such responsibilities and agreement on additional payments must be obtained from appropriate NHS Services management. The individual will have a contract with the NHS Services via the appropriate directorate/division, which will specify the agreed amount of clinical work and the level of remuneration. Since the funding for this post does not include an element for clinical training or NHS service work, any such clinical work must be arranged to avoid impacting substantially on research time.
Funding Sources
This post will be funded by an Entry Level Fellowship for 3 years. As this is an MRC funded pre-doctoral fellowship, it is subject to their eligibility criteria. It will be awarded on the basis of individual career achievement to date and the likelihood of the fellow contributing to an effective, existing research team. As noted above, there may be opportunities for additional salary supplements providing NHS cover in Medicine and related specialties (by negotiation with local NHS management and subject to prioritisation of research). In relation to such supplements, the University will act as Paymaster only.
Research Training Base
The Clinical Research Fellow will be based in the MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research. Travel to collaborating sites may be required.
Research Projects
Upon acceptance into the Clinical Research Fellowship programme, Fellows will select a laboratory in which to undertake a thesis project. Examples of indicative projects are available, and opportunities exist for collaborative projects, including in tropical medicine and emerging diseases, with opportunities to spend time working with partner institutions overseas.
Assessment of Progress
All those matriculated for Higher Degrees will be subject to the Postgraduate School of the College for progress monitoring. This is completed according to the regulations set down in the University Calendar. • Written progress reports on projects on a monthly basis. • Research in Progress presentations, at least annually, to the CVR. • Reports/manuscripts of results of research work, as appropriate. • General assessment during clinical work and meetings. • Annual interview by independent assessors.
Research fellows will either return to run-through training, or may become eligible for an academic training post.
Viral diseases kill many millions of people each year and are a significant global challenge to human health and prosperity. At the CVR, we are committed to nurturing the next generation of leaders in virology and have created a specialized MRC-funded programme to train clinically qualified individuals from any specialty, who are enthusiastic about virus research; we particularly encourage applications from those interested in a future career in clinical virology or infectious diseases. Our programme offers outstanding PhD training in a supportive and inspiring environment. There has never been a better time to train as a clinical academic and the CVR is the place to do it.
You will work in a world leading virology research institution, alongside the UK’s largest grouping of internationally recognised virologists. Your training experience will centre on a 'hands on' research project in your supervisor's laboratory, leading to the submission of a PhD thesis. This training will be supplemented with mentorship, career advice and the acquisition of transferable skills. Although research will form the major component of this post, clinical duties and teaching can be incorporated into the Job Plan according to individual needs.
Our purpose-built, state-of-the-art facility is home to a community of investigators with a wealth of expertise, knowledge, and experience. The CVR’s collegiate and collaborative environment fosters a broad research portfolio. Research interests at the CVR range from classical human pathogens to emerging viruses and arboviruses, with research areas covering antiviral responses, virus-host interactions, molecular virology, structural virology, and virus discovery. Our research activities span the molecular, structural and cellular levels, through to the individual host and affected population, integrating molecular and structural virology, cell biology, pathogenesis, clinical virology, epidemiology, mathematical modelling, viral genomics and bioinformatics. The CVR is embedded within the School of Infection and Immunity, part of the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences (MVLS) at the University of Glasgow, which provides excellent research opportunities to foster multi-disciplinary collaborative projects.
For further information on the CVR’s Clinical Research Fellow programme please visit the CVR website
Terms and Conditions
Salary will be on the Clinical Academic scale £38,704 - £57,349 per annum.
The post will carry an additional entitlement depending on on-call responsibilities. This banding payment is paid under a separate arrangement with the NHS for which the University acts as paymaster only.
This post is full time and fixed term for up to 3 years.
Members of staff are normally eligible to contribute to the Universities' Superannuation Scheme [USS] and on appointment shall be deemed to be in membership of the scheme and contributions deducted accordingly, unless the University is advised in writing prior to the commencement of employment of a wish not to join. Further information regarding the scheme is available from the Superannuation Officer, who is also prepared to advise on questions relating to the transfer of Superannuation benefits. It may be possible, if the relevant NHS
Superannuation Scheme Criteria are met, for appointees to remain in the NHS Superannuation Scheme while in this post.
Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme
The post for which you are applying is considered registered work in terms of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Act. It requires the successful applicant to become a Protecting Vulnerable Groups [PVG] Scheme member prior to appointment. This check is necessary to ensure that the University of Glasgow fulfils its legal duties under the Act. If you are successful in your application, the offer of employment will be subject to PVG Scheme membership. Please note it is a criminal offence to apply for a child care position if you are on the Disqualified From Working with Children List.
As part of Team UofG you will be a member of a world changing, inclusive community, which values ambition, excellence, integrity and curiosity.
As a valued member of our team, you can expect:
1 A warm welcoming and engaging organisational culture, where your talents are developed and nurtured, and success is celebrated and shared.
2 An excellent employment package with generous terms and conditions including 41 days of leave for full time staff, pension - pensions handbook, benefits and discount packages.
3 A flexible approach to working.
4 A commitment to support your health and wellbeing
We believe that we can only reach our full potential through the talents of all. Equality, diversity and inclusion are at the heart of our values. Applications are particularly welcome from across our communities and in particular people from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) community, and other protected characteristics who are under-represented within the University. Read more on how the University promotes and embeds all aspects of equality and diversity within our community
We endorse the principles of Athena Swan and hold bronze, silver and gold awards across the University.
We are investing in our organisation, and we will invest in you too. Please visit our website for more information.
Informal Enquiries should be directed to Professor Ruth Jarrett, [email protected]
Vacancy Ref: 109689, Closing Date: 20 March 2023.

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