Home First Clinical Assessor (OT/PT) Id Job: 316a324 🏠 On-site 💼 Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust 📍 London, England ⏱ Today 💰 49036 – 55049 GBP ANNUAL
Job Description Supporting Operational Pathway Lead for Home First & Urgent Community Response Service managerial activities To work collaboratively within the specialist multi-disciplinary team (MDT) To work with the acute Multi-Disciplinary Team & Transfer of Care Hubs to promote an efficient, effective discharge from hospital to the patient’s own home. To bring a holistic therapeutic approach to the multi-disciplinary team. Concentrating specifically on admission avoidance strategies and interventions. To have a role in the responsibility for the management of patients care pathway through the CIS services To be responsible for a designated caseload of patients, where you will implement and evaluate treatment plans, and coordinate interventions within Home First & Urgent Community Response. As a registered Allied Health Care Professional, you will assist in the organisation, development, and delivery of the Home First & Urgent Community Response service To liaise with health, and adult social care, working in partnership with primary and secondary care, social prescribers, and other external agencies to ensure the delivery of a high-quality service, and facilitate effective discharge from the Home First Service. To provide a specialist service to patients in their own home/usual residence Division of duties between managerial and clinical activities, supporting the Home First & Urgent Community response Operational Pathway Lead in managing the service facilitating efficiency, effective and safe activity of Home First service activity. Support Operational Pathway Lead with service management activities: appraisal and supervision of B6 staff, approving annual leave, reporting on sickness using Health Roster. Promote a holistic, supportive, and patient centered service that facilitates an intervention approach to promote change, acceptance and promotes self-management aiming to optimises functional improvement Work with Home First: supporting with triage, patient care pathway, and sharing knowledge related to the discharge to assess and admission avoidance strategies Work with patients, carers and families, and other statutory health related services Work autonomously and within the MDT team delivering individualised treatment interventions and management programmes Be flexible in the approach to delivering treatment and advice, have skills to deliver a variety of treatment interventions Have advanced communication skills that would include motivational and emotional support skills To have expert knowledge and understanding of long-term conditions and symptoms, and prognosis Values: Central and North West London NHS Trust expects all staff to act in a way which shows you understand our core values and are willing to put them into practice with service users, their friends, family, carers, and also other staff members. As a member of the clinical team, we expect you to showCOMPASSION, contribute to a caring and kind environment and recognise that what you do and say helps can make the lives of others better. We expect you toRESPECTeveryone and acknowledge and welcome people’s differences rather than ignore them or see them as problematic. We expect you toEMPOWERothers and continually try to provide information, resources and support to help others make their own decisions and meet their own needs. We expect you to work inPARTNERSHIPand behave in a way that shows that you recognise that commissioners and users of our services are the people who generate and pay for our work. As an NHS Trust we strongly encourage and support vaccination as this remains the best way to protect yourself, your family, your colleagues and of course patients and service users when working on our healthcare settings. Supporting Operational Pathway Lead for Home First & Urgent Community Response Service managerial activities To work collaboratively within the specialist multi-disciplinary team (MDT) To work with the acute Multi-Disciplinary Team & Transfer of Care Hubs to promote an efficient, effective discharge from hospital to the patient’s own home. To bring a holistic therapeutic approach to the multi-disciplinary team. Concentrating specifically on admission avoidance strategies and interventions. To have a role in the responsibility for the management of patients care pathway through the CIS services To be responsible for a designated caseload of patients, where you will implement and evaluate treatment plans, and coordinate interventions within Home First & Urgent Community Response. As a registered Allied Health Care Professional, you will assist in the organisation, development, and delivery of the Home First & Urgent Community Response service To liaise with health, and adult social care, working in partnership with primary and secondary care, social prescribers, and other external agencies to ensure the delivery of a high-quality service, and facilitate effective discharge from the Home First Service. To provide a specialist service to patients in their own home/usual residence Apply Go Back
Mortgage File Reviewer Stonebridge Mortgage Solutions Limited Basildon, East of England, England 1 day ago Apply