To have a good knowledge of the relevant BSA / BAA recommended procedures and protocols as well as local protocols to undertake the following duties:
- Undertake training courses both internal and external as required
- To work independently as well as part of a multi-disciplinary team, within professional boundaries. To be ultimately accountable to the Head of Service, and to seek guidance from senior staff whenever necessary.
- Ensure preparation of clinic rooms and equipment prior to and after clinic sessions, including calibration checks. To ensure careful use of all expensive equipment, and identification of faults in line with local procedures.
- To carry out basic audiological procedures according to national, professional and local protocols. To justify and document any contraindications or necessary deviation from protocol in the case notes and/or medical notes, seeking guidance on justification if required. To maintain empathy and rapport with the patient during testing to maximise the quality of test results and minimise patient anxiety including identifying the relevant concerns of the patient, any contraindications to procedures, and explaining and carrying out procedures.
- To accurately record the outcome of any patient contact in the case and/or medical notes (on the department PMS), including devices issued, documentation or advice given, and any relevant information or observations relating to the patient or the test conditions.
- Provide basic counselling to patients regarding hearing loss, tinnitus and balance problems and give basic advice
- Refer patients to senior colleagues, other departments, organizations and agencies as required
- Represent the department at external meetings where required such as information days to voluntary groups and carers meetings
- Participate in training of trust personal and external students and carers
- Provide services at out reach clinics as required
Diagnostics audiological assessments: To assist with assessments of patients who present with hearing difficulties.
- To obtain informal consent before carrying out routine, and/or specialised audiological procedures (under supervision) according to the clinical strategy.
- To assist with the undertaking of audiological assessments of patients including those with diverse or complex presentations/multiple pathologies.
- To carry out appropriate audiological procedures in line with national and local protocols in order to provide an accurate comprehensive assessment of patients hearing.
- To assess and address the relevant problems and concerns of the patient and/or carer, in a holistic context. This includes explaining the nature of a hearing loss or other test results and offering appropriate advice and guidance, where there may be anxiety or other barriers to understanding or co-operation.
Adult auditory rehabilitation: To assist with the provision of the hearing aids (HAs) and ALDs/ EAs to adult patients who attend the service.
- To have a good knowledge of currently available, wide range of HAs, ALDs/EAs
- Advise patients on how to obtain specialist equipment with use of social services as necessary
- To undertake routine reviews/follow ups of existing audiology adult clients.
- To provide on-going support to patients via follow up (face-to-face or telephone) in accordance with national and local protocols.
- To provide on-going support to patients via HA maintenance including postal repairs sessions in accordance with national and local protocols.
- To follow national and local protocols of for the fitting review and repair of hearing aids
- To initiate onward referrals to other professionals as required (eg. senior colleagues, ENT, GP, Hearing Therapy, social services, education)
- To follow national and local protocols for conducting otoscopy
- To follow national and local protocols for taking routine earmould impressions on existing hearing aid wearers
- To follow national and local protocols for issuing ear moulds and replacement HAs/ALDs
- Treat all patient information confidentially according to the Data Protection and the Trusts policies and procedures
- Treat patients with infectious conditions in line with hospital protocols
- Deal with aggressive patients, relatives or carers in line with trust policy and act in a way to produce a calm outcome
- To understand the Assistant Technical Officer/Associate Audiologist role with patients in order to work within professional boundaries and to seek advice of a senior staff member as and when required.
- Participate in tasks relating to the day-to-day running of the department, ensuring all required resources are available to ensure the smooth running of the clinic
- Take responsibility of area of the departments work and administration
- Help develop and implement new departmental protocols
- To actively contribute to meetings both within the service and as a representative of the service as required
- To maintain and advance the professional status of the department
- To be aware and understand basic concepts relating to hearing aids and hearing loss including identification and provision of appropriate hearing aid batteries and audiological sundries (tubing, open fit cords and domes etc.) Training will be provided as required.
- Maintain clean and professional working conditions in line with departmental/trust policies
- Ensure ear impressions are sent to manufacturer regularly and efficiently
- Ensure ear moulds from manufacturer are processed according to departmental protocol (including those to be posted to patients)
- To be responsible for registering and processing repair HAs, ALDs/EAs appropriately (either those left by patients or those sent in for repair)
- Ensure for repair/reconditioning are sent to manufacturer regularly and efficiently
- Monitor orders for moulds and special hearing aids and ensure these are available prior to appointments and consultations with the clinical team.
- To ensure postal batteries are sent to patients on a daily basis and appropriate records are kept
- Monitor stock levels and bring to manager’s attention items that need re- ordering
- Maintain and efficient system for stock receipt according to departmental protocols (T responsible for registering and processing some stock upon arrival, including hearing aids and earmoulds)
- To assist the audiology team with the monthly stock control
- Seek clinical advice from senior team members when confronted with difficult or advanced cases
- Provide practical training regarding administration duties to trainees within the department
- To process and monitor all paperwork concerned with hearing aids
- To use AudtBase and Cerner for patient related administration
- Keep accurate records of patient’s treatment
- Keep accurate records as required for department statistics
- Produce clear and accurate entries in hospital medical notes
- To assist with patient data and monthly reporting as required by the team leader
- Undertake audits and provide support for research as required
Infection Control
Infection control is everyone’s responsibility. All staff, both clinical and non-clinical, are required to adhere to the Trust’s Infection Prevention and Control policies and procedures and the Health Act (2006) Code of Practice for the prevention and control healthcare associated infections and make every effort to maintain high standards of infection control at all times thereby reducing the risk of Healthcare Associated infections.
It is the duty of every member of staff to take personal responsibility for the prevention and control of infection, as laid down in the Trust’s polices and procedures which reflect the statutory requirements of the Hygiene Code.
- To work in close collaboration with the Infection Control Team.
- To ensure that monitoring of clinical practice is undertaken at the agreed frequency.
- To ensure that the ward environments are cleaned and maintained to the highest standards; ensuring that shortfalls are rectified, or escalate as necessary.
- To ensure that all relevant monitoring data and issues are provided to the Directorate’s Governance structures.
- To ensure that all staff are released to attend infection control-related educational sessions and staff with specialist roles, e.g. link practitioners, are released to undertake their duties.
Health and Safety at Work
The post holder is required to:
- Take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself/herself and other persons who may be affected by their actions or omissions at work.
- Co-operate with the employer in ensuring that all statutory and other requirements are complied with.
Confidentiality & Data Protection
The post holder has a responsibility to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and maintain confidentiality of staff, patients and Trust business.
If you are required to process information, you should do so in a fair and lawful way, ensuring accuracy is maintained. You should hold information only for the specific registered purpose and not use or disclose it in any way incompatible with such a purpose.
You should disclose information only to authorised persons or organisations as instructed. Breaches of confidentiality in relation to information will result in disciplinary action, which may include dismissal. Employees are expected to comply with all Trust policies and procedures and to work in accordance of the Data Protection Act 1998. For those posts where there is management or supervision of other staff it is the responsibility of that employee to ensure that their staff receive appropriate training