Reading Tutors
Full or part time, permanent position, term time only
Grade 6 - min of 15 hours per week preferred (£23,194 pa pro rata)
Start Date: February 2023
We are looking for highly motivated and committed Reading Tutors to join our Curriculum Support Department to provide additional reading tuition to students in Key Stage 3. The successful candidates will work with small intervention groups and 1:1 to support students to make rapid progress in reading.
Successful candidates will have a sound knowledge and understanding of how young people learn to read and strategies to support them to access the wider curriculum. Experience in a primary school setting would be an advantage alongside skills in the delivery of phonics.
The Weald is an outstanding, high achieving, popular and oversubscribed 11-18 comprehensive school, situated in the heart of the West Sussex countryside, 10 minutes from Horsham, 35 minutes from Guildford and Brighton, and an hour by train to London. The school has an excellent record of academic and pastoral achievement and we pride ourselves in creating a caring and respectful ethos where every child is important. The school was judged to be Outstanding in all areas by Ofsted. In the summer of 2022, our A-level results placed us in the top 10% of schools and colleges nationally and 76% of GCSE students achieved a grade 4 or above in English and Maths.
The closing date for completed applications is 10am Monday 20th February 2023. Interviews will be held shortly afterwards.
Applications should be made by completing an application form, which may be downloaded from the school website ( and submitting a covering letter (please see Letter to Applicant for further details).
We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The successful candidate will be subject to pre-employment checks including an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.